I Am A Palestinian Jew
by Margalit Edelson
Born in 1930, Margalit Edelson grew up in Palestine, home to Palestinian Jews and Arabs. Britain ruled Palestine through a mandate from the League of Nations, the predecessor to the UN. Though Hebrew was her mother tongue and the language spoken around her, the London sponsored Evelina de Rothschild School for Girls which she attended, provided her with English fluency.
Margalit explains about her book: With historical background, my memoir covers the period between my birth in 1930 and the birth of Israel in 1948. I am a Jewish child, living in Palestine under British Mandate. My family home, living conditions, Arab attacks, my family’s friendship with an elite Arab family, my school environment, visits to the Kotel, and the onset of WWII, are described. So are ordinary things I do when I am a child. When I am a teenager, I joined the Irgun and describe my experiences as a member of the underground organization fighting the British. This book provides an accurate eyewitness account to the birth of the State of Israel. Appropriate for libraries, unbiased presentation of the facts around modern Jewish history. |