Books by Steven Schonberg

The Socialist Theocracy: An Argument For A Religious Jewish State
The purpose of this work is to present the argument for a religious Jewish state. It is the writer’s opinion that the founding of a theocracy is essential, not only for the survival of the Jewish People, but also for the ideals and values our People cherish – that are being threatened today, the world over.In a world governed increasingly by might and money, there must be an island of peace – in a consumer society bringing about its own dissolution through its needless lust for material possessions, there should be a home for true values. When justice is based, not on man’s freedom and dignity, but on his wealth and property – there is an absolute need for a haven, of God’s justice.The writer proposes therefore, the natural evolution of the Jewish state into a state based on the ultimate truth of Jewish law; and that this state will be a centre for world religion – in an era when all religion, is almost at the mercy, of the spiritual vacuum of daily life, in a faceless consumer society.The writer continues to say, that such a theocracy, would have to be socialist: the values of truth and justice, are to be realized, in the daily life of this ideal religious state. To attain this end, much of existing Jewish law will be in need – when society has reached that stage of development – of revision (this applies especially to ‘divrei mamonut’ – money matters). In a truly just and equalitarian state, in which people are free of the vices and struggles of a purely material existence, the complete abolition of the means of exchange, is a necessity, as an eventual goal.The writer hopes, that a socialist theocracy, as a development of the Zionist state of Israel, will also have a beneficial effect, politically. For the writer believes, as a Jew, that religion is the true ground of socialism.Faith and trust in the One God, necessarily imply an attachment to justice and right, in man’s daily life. A Jewish theocracy might, therefore, prove to be the model, for both the Communist countries and the Western democracies, of a socialist state that is free and non-repressive. For, surely, religion is the best safeguard of man’s individual freedom: and God’s law, the truest guarantee of the ‘rights of man’ that we possess.
The purpose of this work is to present the argument for a religious Jewish state. It is the writer’s opinion that the founding of a theocracy is essential, not only for the survival of the Jewish People, but also for the ideals and values our People cherish – that are being threatened today, the world over.In a world governed increasingly by might and money, there must be an island of peace – in a consumer society bringing about its own dissolution through its needless lust for material possessions, there should be a home for true values. When justice is based, not on man’s freedom and dignity, but on his wealth and property – there is an absolute need for a haven, of God’s justice.The writer proposes therefore, the natural evolution of the Jewish state into a state based on the ultimate truth of Jewish law; and that this state will be a centre for world religion – in an era when all religion, is almost at the mercy, of the spiritual vacuum of daily life, in a faceless consumer society.The writer continues to say, that such a theocracy, would have to be socialist: the values of truth and justice, are to be realized, in the daily life of this ideal religious state. To attain this end, much of existing Jewish law will be in need – when society has reached that stage of development – of revision (this applies especially to ‘divrei mamonut’ – money matters). In a truly just and equalitarian state, in which people are free of the vices and struggles of a purely material existence, the complete abolition of the means of exchange, is a necessity, as an eventual goal.The writer hopes, that a socialist theocracy, as a development of the Zionist state of Israel, will also have a beneficial effect, politically. For the writer believes, as a Jew, that religion is the true ground of socialism.Faith and trust in the One God, necessarily imply an attachment to justice and right, in man’s daily life. A Jewish theocracy might, therefore, prove to be the model, for both the Communist countries and the Western democracies, of a socialist state that is free and non-repressive. For, surely, religion is the best safeguard of man’s individual freedom: and God’s law, the truest guarantee of the ‘rights of man’ that we possess.

Notes From The Jewish Future
Zionism, close to becoming a cliché, no longer has the meaning it once did for Jewish society. In this book, Schonberg expresses his views in poetic voice, structuring his vision of the new nation state of Israel, based on Torah principles. In redemptive themes with a futuristic outlook, the author prepares a pathway, within his writing, for Jews to return. For Schonberg, the new age is self-realization as Jews and human beings. It is the fulfillment of one’s own potential, within the framework of Moshiach and Jewish futurism.---Futurism examples, for Steven Schonberg, are the changes in the political leadership of Israel, as they increasingly connect with leaders of the ‘enemy nations’ near and far to its borders.
Zionism, close to becoming a cliché, no longer has the meaning it once did for Jewish society. In this book, Schonberg expresses his views in poetic voice, structuring his vision of the new nation state of Israel, based on Torah principles. In redemptive themes with a futuristic outlook, the author prepares a pathway, within his writing, for Jews to return. For Schonberg, the new age is self-realization as Jews and human beings. It is the fulfillment of one’s own potential, within the framework of Moshiach and Jewish futurism.---Futurism examples, for Steven Schonberg, are the changes in the political leadership of Israel, as they increasingly connect with leaders of the ‘enemy nations’ near and far to its borders.

הבאת השחר
זה הזמן לרפא את ההפסקה הקורעת של מאות סוציאליסטים יהודים באירופה מהדת שהפכה אותם לסוציאליסטים, יהדות שהם חשו שהם נאלצים לנטוש כדרך חיים – בגלל השנאה והצרות האופקים של העולם הלא-יהודי סביבם, ומכיוון שהם הקריבו (בצורה מאוד יהודית) את עולמם הפנימי של הרוח על מה שראו כצרכיו הפוליטיים הדחופים של השעה.
החברות הפתוחות של המערב בימינו כבר יצרו את האווירה הנכונה לקרע היהודי העצוב הזה שיירפא לבסוף. אבל, יש לרפא אותו ראשית במדינתנו אז האם ישראל תהפוך באמת לאור האומות.
זה הזמן לרפא את ההפסקה הקורעת של מאות סוציאליסטים יהודים באירופה מהדת שהפכה אותם לסוציאליסטים, יהדות שהם חשו שהם נאלצים לנטוש כדרך חיים – בגלל השנאה והצרות האופקים של העולם הלא-יהודי סביבם, ומכיוון שהם הקריבו (בצורה מאוד יהודית) את עולמם הפנימי של הרוח על מה שראו כצרכיו הפוליטיים הדחופים של השעה.
החברות הפתוחות של המערב בימינו כבר יצרו את האווירה הנכונה לקרע היהודי העצוב הזה שיירפא לבסוף. אבל, יש לרפא אותו ראשית במדינתנו אז האם ישראל תהפוך באמת לאור האומות.

Alpha Omega: A Dream Register Steven Schonberg wrote the sharp moral stories in Alpha Omega: A Dream Register in an open, undogmatic spirit – often ending, as you will see – on a completely different note, giving the reader pause to think afresh. He calls them ‘A Dream Register’ because they constitute recreations of some of the moral and philosophical dilemmas of our age, from a dream perspective, but totally true, spiritually. They reflect an impassioned search for a future based on faith, amid the conflicting ideologies, and human frailties, of the present – with the realization – of an ultimate victory of truth.

Redemption - A History Redemption - A History is a volume of work, written during the past half century by Steven Schonberg, that communicates God's relationship to His Chosen People, expressed in the progress of Redemption, which means our individual and collective success in leading qualitatively better lives. For himself, Schonberg explains that personal redemption is a symbol of national (and universal) redemption - climaxing in a Temple for all men, and that our highest freedom is Freedom in God, with God, through His Revelation to Jews, hence to Man. Schonberg believes that his life story, as expressed in poetic form in this book, is also a symbol of God's bond with Israel.

Redemption - Selected Poems
Steven Schonberg was born in the Mount Sinai Hospital, Manhattan, New York, USA to Zygmunt (from Poland) and Sigrid (from Germany) in 1949. His paternal grandfather was a Sanzer chasid from Tarnow, Poland.He grew up in England, as – after the war – his father had founded a factory in London to manufacture shoulder pads and zippers, which he later managed. He married Lili, from Antwerp, Belgium.His first literary article, ‘Tolstoy and the Jewish Spirit’ was published in the Jewish Quarterly, London, 1968. After travelling around Europe and Israel, he went on to study English at Birmingham University during the time of the student revolution in Paris, then Yiddish Literature at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Back in London, he edited various magazines – and was Reviews editor for Jewish Book News & Reviews in London for 11 years. He began to write poetry seriously during this time – and went on aliya in order to continue writing, leaving his family behind. He eventually published his poetry ('Redemption – A History'); a historical novel about the notorious York massacre ('York, 1190'); and a collection of moral stories using the medium of science-fiction ('Alpha Omega'). There was also an early contemporary Torah interpretation ('The Socialist Theocracy'), with a prophetic view of the immediate future, that originally appeared in London in 1972. Here is presented a brief selection of his favourite poems, plus some new ones. (Selected from (Redemption - History.)
Steven Schonberg was born in the Mount Sinai Hospital, Manhattan, New York, USA to Zygmunt (from Poland) and Sigrid (from Germany) in 1949. His paternal grandfather was a Sanzer chasid from Tarnow, Poland.He grew up in England, as – after the war – his father had founded a factory in London to manufacture shoulder pads and zippers, which he later managed. He married Lili, from Antwerp, Belgium.His first literary article, ‘Tolstoy and the Jewish Spirit’ was published in the Jewish Quarterly, London, 1968. After travelling around Europe and Israel, he went on to study English at Birmingham University during the time of the student revolution in Paris, then Yiddish Literature at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Back in London, he edited various magazines – and was Reviews editor for Jewish Book News & Reviews in London for 11 years. He began to write poetry seriously during this time – and went on aliya in order to continue writing, leaving his family behind. He eventually published his poetry ('Redemption – A History'); a historical novel about the notorious York massacre ('York, 1190'); and a collection of moral stories using the medium of science-fiction ('Alpha Omega'). There was also an early contemporary Torah interpretation ('The Socialist Theocracy'), with a prophetic view of the immediate future, that originally appeared in London in 1972. Here is presented a brief selection of his favourite poems, plus some new ones. (Selected from (Redemption - History.)

Poems From Contemporary Israel: Reflections On Living In The Land “I came to Jerusalem, in search of truth; I found G-d, and also, myself.” In poetic style, Steven Schonberg captures the magical and mystical experience of a Jewish man's journey back to his roots in Israel and Jerusalem. His poems transmit the wonders of the rebirth of the Land of Israel and move across the spectrum of the seemingly mundane to inspirational culture of Judaism. *Included in Redemption - A History

"To bring down, from Heaven, the Ideal" - (And the Author's Dream). In poetic style, Steven Schonberg's message in his "Poems of Love and Truth" is one of discovery for those who are seekers of the truth. This volume of poetry is the companion volume to "Poems From Contemporary Israel - Reflections on living in the Land"Of these poems, the author says they are the product of a reasoned Imagination – whereas the poems of the companion volume are the product of an imagined Reason. "We need both – in order to dream, survive – and prosper." *Included in Redemption - A History